
I hope you all enjoy these photos and i would be happy to include yours:)
Yes you do?

•you do want to be thin
•you do want to be healthy
•you do want to get off your ass and do something productive
•you do want to finish school and got to college
•you do want to be independent
•you do want all the guys to want you
•you do want to be more beautiful than you already are
•you do want well defined collar bones
•you do want ribs

beauty isn''t only skin deep

•you don''t want to be fat
•you don''t want your man to struggle to pick you up
•you don''t want to buy an extra plane ticket because you are so fat
•you don''t want everyone staring at your fat ass while you eat
•you don''t want fries with that
•you don''t want to even be at McDonalds
•you don''t want dressing on your salad
•you don''t want anything fried on your salad
•you don''t want whip cream on you virgin drink
•you don''t want regular sugar, you want splenda
•you don''t want to sit on your ass all day and do nothing, you want to excersize
•you don''t want to be the fat girl (or boy) that everyone remembers as being fat


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